Make Mining Easier, DMEX Ushers in a New Era of Crypto Mining

3 min readFeb 24, 2022


After over a decade of development, the crypto mining industry has undergone enormous changes. With regard to the form of mining, we have witnessed the transformation from buying physical mining machines and setting it up at home, to diverse DeFi mining methods such as staking and liquidity mining. In general, the mining industry is gravitating toward an oligopoly where major mining farms and top mining machine manufacturers largely dictate the industry. The barrier for ordinary users to participate in crypto mining is becoming heftier.

In order to encourage universal mining participation and allow more people to enjoy the benefit of crypto mining, we must reduce the barrier to mining participation, increase mining activities’ transparency and liquidity. Who is the best crypto mining service provider for this purpose?

DMEX ushers in a new era of crypto mining

DMEX stands for Decentralized Mining Exchange. It is a decentralized financial service platform for cloud mining power, aka. hash power. DMEX was established in November 2020. At that time, DMEX was the world’s first mining power financial service platform that innovatively tokenizes mining power into NFT so as to enhance mining power assets’ liquidity. DMEX also offers unparalleled investment security for its users. For example, before mining power NFTs are listed for sale, miners must submit detailed production information to DMEX and have it evaluated by DAO community voting. To protect the interests of the mining power NFT buyers, miners must pledge the DMEX platform token DMC as a security deposit to prevent flight risks. After mining power NFT is generated for sale, DMEX users need only purchase it to easily receive a stable mining income.

On top of earning a stable mining income, DMEX users also enjoy the option of pledging their mining power NFT as collateral to borrow a highly profitable DeFi loan. Whenever a mining power NFT holder suddenly needs liquid capital, they can pledge their mining power NFT as collateral to borrow a loan from DMEX. The icing of the cake is that the pledged mining power NFT can still generate mining income for the entire time. This mechanism greatly improves the economic value of mining power NFT. Additionally, users can also reinvest their mining income in the DMEX staking pools or liquidity mining pools to earn a compounded income. In the future, DMEX will also introduce fixed-term deposit products and more DeFi products so as to maximize the earning potential of mining power assets.

Learn more about DMEX:

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DMEX is a decentralized mining power financial service platform utilizing DAO and smart contract to provide innovative DeFi and NFT products.